
Career coaching

We offer personal one to one coaching sessions to support you throughout your career. Your coach will have had extensive experience in a range of business roles before becoming a coach, and will be an objective, constructive and supportive partner for you.

Introduction session

We include a free 15 minute introduction session for your first session. This allows us to introduce ourselves, understand your situation and your objectives, and to set expectations.

If you decide that you do not wish to proceed, we will provide you with a full (100%) refund of the coaching fee.

Note: This free session is only available once you have paid for coaching session.

Coaching themes

Each coaching session is personalised to address your goals and objectives. We have outlined a set of themes that may help you define the purpose of your session.



Career discussions provide you the opportunity to reflect on the progress you are making in your career, and may cover off topics such as:

  • Where to go next in your career?
  • To what extent are you playing to your strengths?
  • How are you handling the pressure you are under?
  • When to start preparing for your next move?
  • What would you need to do to change jobs / roles / industry?
  • How to find roles that fit your profile?
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Personal Profile

Personal profile discussions explore the findings from your profile assessments. They cover off topics such as:

  • How does your personality profile fit your current company?
  • How does your team profile fit with your colleagues?
  • How can you provide more oppportunities to lead?
  • How can you align better to your manager?
  • How much are you masking your personality in your current role?
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Interview Preparation

Interview preparation discussions may cover off topics such as:

  • How effective is my CV? Does it play to my strengths?
  • How do I get to my first interview?
  • What research should I do before an interview?
  • What questions should I prepare for?
  • How should I follow up on an interview?
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Mock Interview

Mock interviews give you a chance to practice and get feedback in a safe environment. The typical structure is to:

  • Introduction - context and objectives (10 mins)
  • Carry out a 'standard' first round interview (30 mins)
  • Focus on 'non-technical' aspects of the interview
  • Provide you with some immediate feedback (20 mins)
  • Leave you with some follow-up actions
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