Frequently Asked Questions



Taking control of a better career

Please find below a few answers to typical questions that we get about what we do. If you've any specific questions, feel free to get in touch here.

1) What do you do?

We provide a way for you to actively manage your career - and in so doing to get roles where you are more fulfilled and where you are paid appropriately. We enable you to do this, by learning from profile assessments, developing your portfolio, creating video-portraits, and powerfully communicating who you are with the Character Map™.

In summary, we provide tools and support to help you make the most of the 4.5 million minutes of your career.

2) How can you help me be more fulfilled?

We believe that the foundation for a fulfilling career is by finding roles that you take on because they fit you, not just because they are available. With the help of 5 different profile assessments (personality, leadership, teamwork, values and commercial), you develop self-awareness so that you are able to make better decisions, and you are able to communicate clearly about what gets you to be at your best.

3) How can you help me get paid appropriately?

A key to getting appropriate compensation is being able to demonstrate that you are the best person for a role. This requires you selecting the right roles (where you will fit), preparing for your discussions appropriately, and most importantly having the career assets - the proof points - that you demonstrate your capability to meet / beat the recruiters expectations. We help you build these proof points with your portfolio.

4) Why should I start now?

Investing in yourself has a cumulative effect. The earlier you start, the greater the impact. It allows you to become the best version of you and allows you take control of your future.

The 4.5 million minutes is of your career is a given - what you do with it is up to you.

Register now and take the Personality assessment free of charge
What documents can I upload into my portfolio?

You can upload any file type into your portfolio. Please note that it is up to you to confirm that you are legally able to upload individual documents. If you are not sure, please check with your employer and your employment contract.

Do I own my Character Map™?

The Character Map™ has been developed by Higher. Once you have registered, we assign you a perpetual right to use your Character Map™ for managing your career. In other words, it's yours to use in the recruitment process for ever more. You are not able to re-sell the Character Map™ and any other Higher content for commercial purposes.

Can I cancel my account at any time?

You may cancel your account at any time, through the Account Management menu - "Manage your profile" option. You can also cancel subscriptions at any time, using the "Manage your subscriptions" option. There are no refunds for the period between the point of cancellation and end of the month in which the cancellation was made.

What happens to my data when I cancel my account?

When you cancel your account, all your data is deleted - including your portfolio and your videos. There is no ability to un-delete this at a later date.

Will you share any of my assessments with potential employers?

We do not share your answers with any third parties (other organisations). Recruiters, for example, are only able to view your Character Map™ and video-portraits - once you have explicitly published them.

Can I update my profile once I've created it?

You can update your profile at any time, as you see appropriate. The purpose of your profile is to enable you to have a rich and efficient dialog about you - in particular about your fit for a role. We note that it is in everyone's interest for you to be honest about your self-evaluation.

I'm not sure that the profile is exactly me - should I modify the output?

The purpose of the different assessments is to combine different perspectives on who you are. If you feel that an assessment needs to be tweaked to be more accurate, then go ahead!

Doesn't describing my profile pigeon-hole me?

The profiles and video-portraits provide different lenses for a recruiter to get to know you. They provide greater insight that the traditional CV and should be used to aid discussion in interview.

Can I share my Character Map with any recruiter?

You are encouraged to use the Character Map™ and the ideas behind it in any recruitment or career conversation that you have. You have the ability to share your Higher personal Url (web address) which makes it easy to include into an email.

Do I have to subscribe to get career coaching?

No, you need to be on a paid tier to access the coaching. However, we do recommend that where possible, you do the assessments ahead of the coaching session.

When can I get my coaching session on the Career-Pro program?

You are eligible for your career coaching after your 10th month of subscription. If you are looking for coaching ahead of this, please look at the paid sessions.

What if I'm not sure coaching is right for me?

Once you have paid for a coaching session, we offer an inital 15 minute introduction session free of charge. If you don't wish to continue after this session, you get 100% of your money back.

What happens if I don't turn up to a coaching session?

There are no refunds if you don't turn up to a scheduled coaching session.

Will you share any of my personal information to a recruiter or third party?

As per our Privacy Policy, we will only share your Character Map™ and video-portraits to recruiters when you have published them. No other information will be shared.

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