
You are not alone

I dare you to train for a marathon, and not have it change your life *

Our membership services support your 4.5m minute career marathon

Your career is a 4.5m minute marathon
* Susan Sidoriak


The Basic membership is free and enables you to increase your self-awareness. The Career-Max and Career-Pro membership levels offer more insight, and provide more tools to enhance your career, along with increasing levels of personal support.

Basic membership

Entry level membership to get you going

Basic membership

Who's it for?

Basic membership is free and is a low-risk way of starting to manage your career through the platform. It gives you the chance of carrying out a range of assessments, start thinking about what should go into your portfolio, and the opportunity to try recording your own video-portrait.

What's included?

  1. The Personality test: This test gives you an understanding of your personality type, and the implications for your career. The test is based on the work carried out by Carl Jung and extended and developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs (and subsequently commercialised as MBTI®). We note that this is not the official MBTI test and we have no affiliation with any organisation(s) who publish or hold rights to the MBTI® assessment.
  2. Your Personality explanation: This is an online report that allows you to understand your profile, and consider different job-titles that are common for someone with this profile. It provides some relevant career considerations as well as some interview questions that you might use to understand a potential role better.
  3. Leadership, Team roles, Values and Commercial assessments: These assessments give different perspectives of your strengths and preferences. In the Basic Membership you get a card that summarises your profile. For more detailed explanation and insight look at Career-Pro membership.
  4. 'Your Story' video-portrait: As a Basic member you are able to record a video-portrait with the theme of 'Your Story'.
  5. Your portfolio: With Basic membership, you are able to start capturing examples of your strengths. You are limited to 10MB of storage.
  6. Your Character Map™: This is a dynamically generated document that enables you to explain to recruiters who you are, as well as what you've done. It includes the cards from the assessments along with your work preferences.
Register for Basic Membership now

Career-Pro membership

Ongoing career development for the price of a cup of coffee

Career-Pro membership

Who's it for?

Career-Pro membership is the core proposition and enables you to develop deep self-awareness and leverage your insight in the management of your career. It enables you to build a lifetime portfolio of evidence of your strengths, and develop a range of competency responses. The one to one, annual review sets up a rhythm to ensure that you keep a focus on your career and provides independant and objective support.

What's included?

  1. All of the elements of the Basic Membership (see above)
  2. Leadership, Teamwork, Values and Commercial Explanations: Easy to understand reports for each of these assessments that explain your profile, and let you understand the profiles of friends and colleagues. In each assessment report, career considerations are provided, along with interview questions that might help you probe your fit into a potential role.
  3. Annual Career Review: At the end of each year, Career-Pro members get a coaching session to discuss your career direction. These reviews provide both encouragement and supportive challenge, allowing you to be accountable to yourself and to acknowledge progress made.
  4. Personal Url: With Career-Pro membership, you are able to create your personlised URL and publish your profile through your Character Map™. With your personal Url, you can email your Character Map™ to recruiters. Career-Pro membership includes email templates for leveraging your Character Map™ in the recruitment process.
  5. Video-portraits for standard competency questions: You are able to record your reponses to standard competency questions, and publish your preferred recordings to your Character Map™, enabling them to be viewed by recruiters early in the recruitment process. Each topic as a suggested brief covering areas to discuss, and includes an auto-cue to help you structure your responses.
See pricing

Career-Max membership

Personalised career support to help you every step of the way

Career-Max membership

Who's it for?

Career-Pro membership gives you regular enagagement with your dedicated career coach. From career planning to interview preparation to ongoing mentoring, you get the benefit of objective, supportive and confidential conversations. With regular check-ins and quarterly discussions, you can be certain that you're keeping a focus on your career and that you always have someone you can count on.

  1. All of the elements of the Career-Pro Membership (see above)
  2. Quarterly career discussions: (60 mins) covering general progress or specific challenges, these sessions give you a chance to talk through your career challenges and opportunities.
  3. Monthly one to one check-ins: (15 mins) regular catch-up sessions that provide you the option to introduce ideas, offload challenges and maintain momentum of your career conversations
  4. Ad-hoc Interview Support: during interview periods, you may need additional time to prepare and review interview progress. Ad-hoc interview support provides an additional 60 mins of personal time annually.
  5. Online scheduling: all coaching sessions are scheduled online.
See pricing

Career Coaching

A bespoke 1 hour session covering whatever is on your mind

Career coaching

Who's it for?

Career coaching gives you one hour of career coaching, when you need it. Each session is tailored to your priorities, and may cover a range of topics. Career coaching is for when you have a need for more time than you get from the Career-Pro or Career-Max membership.

  1. Delivered virtually (on-line): all career coaching is delivered on line - this enables us to keep our costs down, and increase our flexibility.
  2. Flexible scheduling available: sometimes it can be difficult to have coaching conversations during the working day. We are able to be flexible on scheduling. Feel free to get in contact to discuss this further.
  3. Session agenda templates: if you are not sure on where to start, and if career coaching is for you, then check out our coaching page for more details. There are 4 standard templates that we suggest: Career Direction, Personal Profile discussions, Interview preparation and Mock interviews.
  4. Free Introduction Session: we offer a free introduction session before your first coaching session. The introduction session allows you to get a feel for whether a coaching session is useful for you. This session is 15 minutes and you are able to cancel any booked sessions with 100% refund if you don't wish to continue.
See pricing
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