Use your personality type to build a better career
Take our free personality assessment now

Take the personality test

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Takes under 5 minutes
When I got my feedback, I realised that there were jobs that I wanted to do, and jobs that I didn't. The test helped me take a much more focused approach to finding my next role.
The test was a lot more accurate than I'd expected, and the explanation has given me a lot more confidence on how to introduce myself in interviews.
I loved being able to do different tests - leadership, personality and team roles. Most interviewers seem to expect a level of 'self-awareness' and these tests give you different perspectives on who you are.
Additional benefits

Get tailored career considerations, job titles and interview questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this free?

Yes. Unlike some other personality tests / assessments, there are no charges for taking this assessment or for the explanation that is generated from your assessment. You can take the personality assessment as often as you like without any fee.

Do I have to register to take the assessment?

Yes, you will have to register to take the assessment. This will enable you to keep copies of your assessments and come back in the future to see if / how your assessment evolves. You can delete your account at any time.

What does a personality test explain?

Personality tests are really assessments are used to help define a personality type. Personality types recognise that everyone is different, but there are some common preferences. For example, some people prefer to work with facts and figures, whilst others prefer to work with ideas and concepts. The idea of preference is crucial. It is not about 'either/or' but about how would typically choose to spend your time. Most people can (and do) modify their behaviour as the situation requires them to do so, however this usually requires more effort and doesn't necessarily play to their strengths.

In this personality assessment, based on Carl Jung's personality types, and extended by developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs (and subsequently commercialised as MBTI), we explain your preferences on areas such as how you like to engage with the world, how you make decisions, and how you organise yourself. In these explanations, our assessment is more focused on the how you can use your personality assessment in the development of your career.

Is this the Myers Briggs / MBTI® personality test?

No. This is not the official MBTI test and we have no affiliation with any organisation(s) who publish or hold rights to the MBTI® assessment. The MBTI® assessment has a charge of $49.95 and can be found here (

How long will it take me to do the Personality test?

It typically will take under 10 minutes to do the assessment. The questionnaire uses a sliding scale which simplifies what you need to do, and we recommend that you don't overthink your answers.

Should I refer to my personality type in a job interview?

We do not recommend using personality type terminology in a career conversation (unless it is clearly required). Instead, we believe that it is better to introduce your preferences by use of examples at appropriate times in the conversation.

Where should I go for more information?

Have a look here at our article "10 things to know about personality tests". Alternatively, if you take the assessment, you will find a 'Resources' section in the explanation that provides useful links to help you develop a deeper understanding.

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