Build your best career

Unlock your potential and make your career meaningful

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Your career is a
'4.5 million minute marathon'

We provide simple tools to enable you to win
on your terms

Your career is a marathon
Your CV tells half the story, so how do you explain the other half?
Profile Analysis
Demonstrate self awareness
Get insight into your profile from 5 different perspectives, and find out what they mean for your career:
  • Personality: How do you perform at your best?
  • Team Role: What activites and behaviours do you take on in a team?
  • Leadership: How do you influence others?
  • Values: What sort of organisation suits you best?
  • Commercial: What are your commercial strengths?
Start now!
You know what you did last week, but what did you do last year?
Prove your strengths
Capture and tag what you've done, how you did it and what you've learned. Develop a career-long record of your experiences, including:
  • Decision Making: How you have dealt with difficult decisions
  • Creativity: Ways that you've solved challenging problems
  • Commitment: When you've gone 'over and above' to support the team
  • Conflict: How you have handled confrontation and conflict
  • Lessons learned: What didn't go to plan and why?
In a competitive world, how do you get the roles that you want?
Prepare for opportunities
Record video portraits to practice your responses to standard interview questions, and role-play the best version of you:
  • Practice: Record answers to standard competency questions in the privacy of your own home
  • Improve: Structure your answers using the provided briefing and autocue.
  • Share: Share video-portraits with recruiters through your personalised URL and set yourself apart from other candidates.

Together, these tools define your own, personal Character Map™

  • A document that describes who you are
  • Brought to life with video-portraits
  • Easily shared using your own personalised URL
I had never thought of doing this sort of test to help me decide what to do next, but this was surprisingly useful. It made me think about what I could do and what I shouldn't.
If I had done the values assessment before I made a really bad career choice, I would have made a better decision. It seems obvious now to think about the culture of the employer but I didn't have a way of bringing this to life.
It seems like every employer now wants you to be aware of how you work best. The combination of personality, leadership and team tests really helped me prepare for my recent interviews.

Want to know more?

Character Map™ Assessments

See more detail

Personality Test and Explanation
Personality Test and Explanation

Find out how to leverage your strengths

Our personality test is based on the work carried out by Carl Jung and then extended by Isabell Myers and Katherine Briggs. It identifies which of the 16 personalities best fits your profile, and highlights your strengths.

The terminology of the different personality types is simply explained and is consistent with that used in many organisations. The assessment output identifies career implications for you as well as suggesting potential job titles, and work environments where you are likely to do best.

Take our Personality assessment to help you explain how and where you work best. Combine with our other assessments to build your Character Map™, differentiate from the crowd, and demonstrate your self-awareness.

Leadership assessment
Leadership Assessment and Explanation

Explore what leadership means to you

Our Leadership Assessment takes a 360 degree view on leadership and explores how you influence your colleagues, how you influence upwards and how you lead your team (if you have one).

It explains how you fit into the five key leadership types and considers the implications for your career.

Given the signifant influence of your manager on your job satisfaction and career success, having an understanding of different leadership styles can greatly help career decisions.

Take our Leadership assessment to help you understand how you like to lead and be led. Combine with our other assessments to build your Character Map™, differentiate from the crowd, and demonstrate your self-awareness.

Leadership model

Team role assessment
Team Role Assessment and Explanation

Find your preferred team roles

High performing teams have (amongst other attributes) team members who work in different, but coordinated ways.

These ideas were originally developed by Meredith Belbin, Peter Honey and others and are now regularly discussed in organisations.

Using our unique 'Jigsaw model',you get to consider the implications of your team roles on your career.

Take our Team role assessment to help you understand your preferences. Combine with our other assessments to build your Character Map™, differentiate from the crowd, and demonstrate your self-awareness.

Teamwork model

Values Assessment
Values Assessment and Explanation

Understand how your values influence where you should work

Each of us has their own set of values, and in the work context these values influence how well we feel that we fit the organisation where we work.

This assessment considers 8 key categories of personal values and then identifies the types of organisational culture where there is most likely to be a match. The 'same' job will be very different across different teams / organisations; understanding how your values match to a given role is a strong predictor to success.

Take our values assessment to help you find the right roles. Combine with our other assessments to build your Character Map™, differentiate from the crowd, and demonstrate your self-awareness.

Values model

Career examples for personality types
Real Life Career Examples

Explore the jobs and career paths of different personality types

Everybody's career is unique and reflects both their personalities and the opportunities that they have been able to land.

In our series of Career-Interviews with a range of people and personality types (from ENTJ to ISFP), you get a chance to see the choices made and the learnings earned.

Anonymised to enable the interviewees to be completely honest, this series gives you a flavour of different career choices.

If you are considering what is the right job for you, what's jobs fit your personality and how you can learn from others mistakes, this is a resource you'll want to explore.

Career interviews
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